The YMCA has been a leader in youth development, adult health and fitness and community support in the area since 1913. Our strength lies in our ability to unite people of all faiths, races, ages, abilities and incomes. Through our programs, our community’s children and families grow strong in spirit, mind and body. At the YMCA, everyone plays, everyone wins!

We’re more than just a place to work out. We’re a place where you can be yourself. Whether you are just starting on the road to health and wellness, or you are a veteran, you’ll feel comfortable at the YMCA. It’s because we don’t care what you look like when you come in, we just want you to feel great about yourself when you leave!

Teaching and demonstrating the positive values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Faith has always been at the core of The Family YMCA of Southeast Mississippi, not only because they are the right things to do, but because they are highly effective, proven measures in alleviating social problems. The staff and volunteers at The Family YMCA work hard to systematically and intentionally incorporate the values into all of our programs.

When you join any branch of The Family YMCA of Southeast Mississippi you become an important part of our family. As a member you receive many privileges and benefits that will enhance your spirit, mind and body. See Member Benefits for more information.

The following information is designed to help you to get better acquainted with The Family YMCA of Southeast Mississippi. You can also call or visit one of our branches so we can share with you the variety of services, facilities and staffing that are available to you.

Getting Started

Once a member, we encourage you to sign up for a FREE Get Started program. We hope you take advantage of this FREE member service. Please see the Health and Wellness staff or our Member Service desk to set up an appointment.

YMCA Code of Conduct

The Y is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members and guests. To promote safety and comfort for all, we ask all members, guests and program participants follow our YMCA Code of Conduct to help ensure everyone benefits from being here.

Exercise Safety Recommendations

There is some risk in exercising. The YMCA will not be responsible for injuries or accidents while participating in YMCA programs or while using the facilities. It is strongly recommended that all members receive a consultation prior to using the exercise equipment and check with one’s medical professional before exercise, particularly if a person is being treated for a specific medical condition. A medical release is required for individuals indicating medical problems or recently released from a hospital or therapy.

Fitness Attire

Athletic shoes and shirt/tops must be worn during exercise in all workout areas of the facilities. Street shoes are not permitted on any wood floors (racquetball and aerobic), basketball gymnasium or in the pool area. Proper swimsuits must be worn when using the pool, sauna, steam room and spa. We recommend the use of eye guards for racquetball. All attire must be consistent with our character values, modest and non-revealing.

Food and Beverage

Food and beverages should be consumed in the lounge area. They are not permitted in any other area of the Ys with the exception of plastic water bottles on the pool deck and on the fitness floor. No food or drinks are permitted in the basketball gyms.

Locker Rooms

Locker rooms and showers are available at both YMCA locations.

  • Adult locker rooms are provided for ages 18 and older.
  • Youth locker rooms are provided for youth to 17 years.
  • Saunas (both Ys) and Steam Room (The Family YMCA Hattiesburg) may only be used by members at least 18 years of age. Proper bathing attire should be worn.
  • A Family changing/locker room is provided at The Family YMCA Hattiesburg. Adults assisting small children should use the Youth Locker Rooms at either location.
  • Large lockers are for daily use ONLY. The YMCA will furnish you with a lock to use daily (with the exchange of your keys). However, the YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We recommend you do not bring valuable items into the YMCA. Locks left on day lockers overnight will be removed.
  • Small lockers are available for member rentals. Payment of $5 a month can be added to your monthly bank draft or paid on a 6-month or Annual basis. Check with our Member Service staff for rental.

Sauna & Steam Room Usage

Individuals must be at least 18 years of age to use the sauna and steam room. Proper bathing attire must be worn. No shaving or tobacco products are permitted in the steam room or sauna.


For your protection, many areas of both YMCAs are under video surveillance.

Americans With Disabilities Act

The YMCA complies with the intent and spirit of the ADA. We are wheelchair accessible with handicapped locker rooms leading to the pool deck. Each location has a pool lift. Reasonable accommodations will be made in order to allow any individual with a disability use of our facilities. Staff may request those with severe disabilities be accompanied by a helper.


  • New Year’s Day
  • Easter Sunday
  • 4th of July
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

These are tentative days and can be changed at the discretion of the Executive Director. Closings are posted at least one week before the holiday.

See Membership Rates for information on pricing and categories.

The Family Y Hattiesburg Facebook Page

The Family YMCA Petal Facebook Page