1844 YMCA founded in London, England by George Williams.
1851 YMCA started in the United State of America by Thomas C. Sullivan, a retired sea captain, in Boston, Massachusetts.
1913 YMCA was founded in Hattiesburg, Mississippi by Dr. C. C. Hightower, Howard A. Gilliam and Dr. V. L. Isard. Elected trustees were W. S. F. Tatum, George Komp, and Abner Polk. A $50,000 fund raising campaign was begun to underwrite the YMCA’s work.
1918 YMCA incorporated in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
1923 Campsite purchased from L. N. Dantzler Lumber Company, making Camp Dantzler the oldest YCMA in the state of Mississippi.
1959 J. Maury Gandy Memorial YMCA was completed after a fund drive, which raised $150,000. John W. McArthur was Board President and John Tatum was Chairman of the Building Committee.
1967 Completed construction of a twenty-five yard swimming pool.
1982 YMCA and YWCA merged.
1983 The Family YMCA joined the National Council of YMCAs.
1984 Building renovations completed at the cost of $100,000.
1985 The Board of Directors approved a five-year strategic plan for expansion of Y programming.
1988 Camp Dantzler revitalized with an expanded YMCA Day Camp Program.
1990 Began capital campaign for current Hattiesburg facility.
1994 The Family YMCA opened its doors to members at the current location. Gwen James was Board President. The former location was sold to the City of Hattiesburg.
1998 Purchased a preschool facility to meet increasing community childcare needs.
1999 Began capital campaign for Petal facility.
2002 Groundbreaking for Petal facility held in January.
2003 Petal Family Y opened to the public March 31, at a cost of $3.5 million.
2008 Expansion and renovation of the Main Facility and Petal YMCA.

The Family Y Hattiesburg Facebook Page

The Family YMCA Petal Facebook Page